Their opinions of our ancestors are enlightening.
I know some readers found it offputting but, being of Scoatash extraction, I got the drift and impetus of it right away.
It used to be alphabetized, but life got in the way, y’know?
The fact that I have four rescue cats does not help, and the little bastards are known to sleep on unattended novels.
All them are grubby and sticky, and some are missing pages or covers.
One of those things that left a mark on me.
The method is to shelve books by how they're associated in your head.
Clarissa Pinkola Estés says stories are medicine. I couldn’t agree more.
This bookcase, and this shelf, exists because I needed somewhere new to begin stacking up everything I had picked up during this transition period in my life.
Life is not over, and other necessary reminders.
These books make sense in my head, pirates, Morris, Marx, consequently I remember where all the books are in the house by lateral-thinking-location.
I love the random possibilities of them. I can pick any book, flip it open, and find inspiration.