I’d like to spend the day with her.
Keep writing, while the unread pile grows higher. One day it buries you.
It might look like just a library to you, but this is a lifeline.
I'm rarely organised enough to store books alphabetically.
Collecting and re-ordering stuff is an essential part of my writing process.
Yes, I very much judge books by their covers.
My shelves and my system are designed for function.
That’s generally what I look for in my reading: a shift, however slight, in my point of view and my thought processes
There is nothing I love more than my friends bringing their dreams to life.
I’m pretty generous with my books, but I’d never give this to anyone.
In Catalonia, on the northeast of the country, the tradition says that you gift someone you like, love, whatever, a book and a rose.
I had access to some spectacularly-inappropriate material at a very young age.